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Looking for a mixer with a specific feature.


Not sure if I'm thinking of this in the best way, so maybe you all have a better idea for me.

I (think) I need a mixer that has some sort of monitor send, or parallel channel.

My example of how I'd use it:

I have 3 synths, an MPC Live playing the part of drum machine and sampler, and an effects pedal board. I'm looking for a mixer that can have all of these playing in my headphones/speakers (easy), be able to send any of the synths at to the pedal board (also easy/standard using send/returns), but here's the kicker; I want to then be able to send just Synth1 (isolated), effected by the pedal board, into the MPC's single audio input to sample whatever it is I have going on. But, then, it would be cool to then be able to mess around with Synth 2, send that through the effects send, and then send it along to sample that.

Problem is, I can't seem to figure it out, without having the MPC get stuck in a feedback loop when sampling.

I was looking at the Mackie ProFx8v2, which has monitor sends, which is what I think need. Of course it's a discontinued item, and I just don't know enough about mixers to know if there is one that is comparable in price (under $200), size, and the feature I think I need.

Definitely do not want a Behringer mixer...

Any help is greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/GlowPole
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