Vortex Sound Research

Full Version: XAOC zadar vs. Intellijel Quadrax?
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XAOC zadar vs. Intellijel Quadrax?

Wondering if anyone has both or one of these and can chime in. I can only afford one and even that’s down the line, so unfortunately no “just buy them both!”

Quadrax pros seem to be its playability and easy access to all controls. It’s also analog so it may have snappier fast envelopes although if anyone can chime in on Zadar’s “snappiness” that would be appreciate.

Zadar beats it out by being 4hp smaller and of course having a buck wild assortment of shapes. It can also do sustain while Quadrax can’t! It loses out by not being as “playable” in real time as the Quadrax though.

Both would probably get the job done in any small system but I’m curious if anyone has any strong opinions.

I write rhythmic distorted techno and house and never do stuff like ambient or generative music if that helps at all.

Thanks guys!

submitted by /u/ToddOMG
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