Vortex Sound Research

Full Version: I want a pitch bend that's just a doorstopper (or something similar)
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I want a pitch bend that's just a doorstopper (or something similar)

DISCLAIMER: This is a real ADHD thought I had, so please don't take it too seriously. But I'd still love to hear discussion!

Yes, this was inspired by one of Simon the Magpies videos recently where he messes with a doorstop on his modular. He mostly just used it for the sound.

But I want a doorstop (or other spring close to that) to be used as a pitch bend. It would be so easy to bend the pitch, you can either just push it, or pull/flick it however far back you want to get some real wild vibrato. However, I do acknowledge that it would probably get a bit irritating as it would be hard to stop it completely, which I imagine why nothing like this has been done. Also, maybe a bit of a loose doorstopper would work best, as those tight ones would be ridiculously fast and it probably wouldn't sound that great

But it was just a weird thought I had! And I'd love to hear what you peeps think.

...or maybe modulation?

submitted by /u/aarong914
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