Vortex Sound Research

Full Version: Strange noise in the bass station 2
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Strange noise in the bass station 2

Hi. I am new to synthesizers and recently bought my first one. A bass station 2 I'm looking for clean bass sounds to use in my music about I've noticed a strange noise that comes with that. When I get clean sound with nice bass to it( without a lot of distortion or growliness? ) I can hear this strange digital sound with no pitch being rang faintly with every press of the key. Now of course when I move the octave up or add some distortion like sound ( sorry for my lack of proper synth vocab) the sound either goes away or becomes In audible so am i crazy? Or is this just apart of the character to this machine. Or is somthing wrong that I'm doing? The sounds im getting are perfect for what I want except this little tiny 8 bit ding that comes with it amd I'm going nuts. I feel like I've twisted every knob possible and it only goes away once I've changed the sound to the point that it's not what I'm going for. Anyways sorry for the rant. Thanks for any help. I'll just keep dingng away.

submitted by /u/omnidolce
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