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Full Version: Where to learn about the basic of synthetisizers?
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Where to learn about the basic of synthetisizers?

I hope I am making the right question and in the right place. If not, please point me to a better place.

I am a pianist, I can read sheets and play them, but I love synthetizers but I have no clue about how they work.

I am looking to learn as much as I can. Let me throw a bunch of "keywords". Oscillators, LFO, modulation, attack, delay, waves, filters, samplers, cutoff...

I bought logic pro x, I have a midi controller and I enjoy playing with it, but turning knobs and clicking buttons to "see what I get", totally random is not the way to go.

So I would like to start with the basics, waves, how can you manipulate them, something in deep. What I can expect if I turn the modulation wheel, ...

I don't mind paid content if necessary.

Thank you.

submitted by /u/Foxandxss2
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