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Full Version: Trouble Playing Along With the Moog Subharmonicon
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Trouble Playing Along With the Moog Subharmonicon

I'm really enjoying the Subharmonicon but I'm also a little stuck when it comes to playing along with it using other gear.

Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm finding it really difficult to play in key with the SubH due to its seemingly random behavior.

For example, say I want to improv some stuff in D minor. I generally start by tuning the SubH to one of the chords in D min. Generally the I, III V it IV of the scale. Then I'll set up my sequence and polyrhythms. Hit play and it sounds great.

But then if I bring another instrument (like a Matriarch or Minilogue XD) and play in D min, it all sounds generally out of key and just, well shit.

I think my first incorrect assumption is that adjusting the sequence knobs on the SubH constrained the results or maintained a relationship with the 6 oscillators so they would stay in relative key. But I now see that that is not the case.

Anyone else running into this kind of challenge or have any suggestions on improving my workflow?

submitted by /u/Numbre002
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