Vortex Sound Research

Full Version: 4hp to fill, not sure what to do with it
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4hp to fill, not sure what to do with it

Hello, fellow synth degenerates.

As the title says I have 4hp to fill and I'm not sure what to do with it. Part of me says I need a clock modulator, another part (the evil obsessive part) says I need another filter that lives inside this main rack rather than in a side skiff. Before anyone says 'just put a blank in' No. I'm dedicated to spending money and watching it burn. Don't ruin this.

For reference, I "make" mostly generative "music" I love just patching the system up with a rough idea and letting it play out.

Here is my current rack (obviously the ZOIA isn't out yet, but I'm saving that hp damnit)
and the data link for those that are curious.

what are your thoughts? I'm half tempted to get a Kinks in here for some more CV mangling. Or even a disting mk4.

submitted by /u/directlydelete
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