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A Frame Synth Stand

So I have come into a situation where I might be playing live with a band and plan on bringing my Nord Electro 6, Prophet Rev 2 module, and Deepmind 12. The X stands with the arms attached look almost comical with 3 tier. I use a custom built stand I made out of wood at home but I cant bring that with me. Has anyone used one of the A frame stands and if so, what is your opinion on them? Are they easy enough to break down and set up? Looking at something similar to this: https://www.musiciansfriend.com/accessories/on-stage-ks-7903-3-tier-a-frame-keyboard-stand/452069000000000?cntry=US&cur=USD&source=3WWRWXGS&gclid=Cj0KCQiAqo3-BRDoARIsAE5vnaKq8VtIWJgogt3wVRg8eEjUcslsVzB1DC_NtwjQkTJZjLHJhpXYWukaAuxzEALw_wcB

submitted by /u/ReffahD
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