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Routing synths with an audio interface and a delay pedal

Spent half a day yesterday trying to properly route my two synths, Nemesis delay pedal and Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 to get a stereo. Current setup is as follows:

Two Moog synths -> 8i6 -> delay -> 8i6 -> monitors.

I set routing on the 8i6 and as long as delay is ON, I get stereo wet output. However as soon as I turn off delay, the dry signal is sent like that:

synth #1 - left monitor

synth #2 - right monitor

I assume what I am looking is an option which would mix the dry signal either within Scarlett or my delay, but can't find such options. Is the standard way to mix both signals within Scarlett or the delay pedal?

Any help is appreciated.

submitted by /u/estrangedpulse
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