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Interesting compression recommendations

I'm looking for some options for neat compressor modules. I've got a Lofi Junky which is neat and unique, but I've found a couple annoyances with it. Firstly, I think it would be nice to have a bit more control over it, in terms of threshold, attack, release, etc. Secondly, I've found that the Lofi is often super clicky, especially when you have a sound that isn't constant and has some empty space (which would probably be solved by having more control).

I saw DivKid's review of the Lollipop, which seems to have a ton of traditional controls (and is nice and compact), but seems a little lacking in terms of being an interesting/unique effect. So I guess the question is whether there are some options that provide a lot of control but also have a really interesting/unique edge to them.

submitted by /u/indoninjah
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