Vortex Sound Research

Full Version: To modular or not?
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To modular or not?

I've been on the modular fence for a couple years now. I have a proper arsenal of hardware already... MD, A4, OT, virus, blofeld, beebo, etc.

Got my feet wet with 2 x dfam and 2 x neutrons. But lately I have been seriously considering going a but deeper down the rabbit hole with a small 84U case.

I have been clocking the dfam with the a4 and still plan to use it as may master clock, but feel I would get better mileage out of the dfam and neutron if I added something like a clock divider, maths, or grids.

Eventually I would probably add a BIA and then who knows.

So does it make sense to modular or am I just GASing a lot?

submitted by /u/technonewbe
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