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Full Version: #Jamuary2021 - Page 3: "A Child of the High Sea", Jules Supervielle
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#Jamuary2021 - Page 3: "A Child of the High Sea", Jules Supervielle

Continuing my jamuary "project" that I called "Pages" with an extract read from a book in each track.
I asked around on twitter and Instagram, if people could send me an audio file of them reading their favorite book, poetry or anything else that moves them. I have now received almost 30 participations and I dig inspiration in their texts (this one for example is talking about a the ocean, trying to drown a little girl, and it inspired me a back and forth motion in the arpeggios).
It's amazing to be able to almost collaborate in this pandemic context, hearing some of my followers voice for the first time, or more familiar ones that I didn't hear in a long time. It also helps me focusing for jamuary as it can be particulary challenging to do it alone, and without a clear frame.


submitted by /u/AdrienLarouzee
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