Vortex Sound Research

Full Version: Electrical noise on 4ms Listen 4Q Headphone out
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Electrical noise on 4ms Listen 4Q Headphone out

I bought a 4ms Listen 4Q and the main outs work without any noise, but the 3.5 mm headphone out has a low, but distinctive electrical noise. It's mostly overtaken when in use, but is still noticeable. It isn't affected by any of the gain controls on the module, either.

I do have several digital modules (Intellijel Metropolis, Instruo Arbhar, Disting MK4, and Qu-Bit Scanned) on the same bus board and noticed a significant reduction in noise when unplugging some of them. Moving neither the module itself nor its power connector's location on the bus board made a difference.

What are my options for removing (or at least reducing) this noise? Why wouldn't the main outputs have the same issue?

submitted by /u/ethandrzb
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