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Full Version: Weirdness triggering my 2HP S+H. Works with gates from Pam's but not LFOs
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Weirdness triggering my 2HP S+H. Works with gates from Pam's but not LFOs

I'm trying to follow the patch on Pg 238 of Patch & Tweak to get more generative sequences out of a simple sequencer. The gist of it is 8-step sequencer runs into a S+H. S+H is triggered by an LFO (which also triggers an env) which is out of sync to the clock driving the sequencer. I set Pams to drive the sequencer then multed a square LFO as explained but the S+H is only grabbing voltages once every 10 bars or so, seemingly at random but way slower than the LFO feeding it. The trigger light on the S+H is blinking in time with the LFO and the envelope is firing on time as well. I've tried two LFOs (Chipz and MicroBrute) both with the same result. If I use another channel from Pam's to trigger the S+H it works fine.

I've got it passively split right now but I thought maybe the LFO wasn't strong enough so I tried both a buffered mult and offsetting it with additional voltage and neither have helped. I just switched the clock sources, so MicroBrute is driving the 8-step and Pams is controlling S+H and Env and it's working dandy. Any ideas why the S+H only responds to PNW?

Edit: On that note, Chipz is such a weird module. The LFO from MicroBrute advances the sequencer one step at a time as expected but Chipz LFO skips a step every time. Maybe because it's unipolar? Offsetting it sometimes gets it to land right and go one step at a time but mostly it skips steps like crazy. Wish I had a 'scope to see what it's putting out.

submitted by /u/plytheman
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