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Full Version: Detuning?: Why and where to use it?
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Detuning?: Why and where to use it?

Hey all, I'm a novice synth user/musician, classically I was trained on violin. I would like to know why it is tasteful or interesting to use detune while creating tracks using synthesizers? Coming from a stringed instrument background, it seems like having other parts of the track creating harmonies, while having a lead, let's say, have a slight detune to it sticks out like a sore thumb. I'm wondering why producers/musicians do this? Is my ear just messed up and I am expecting something that I've concocted in my own mind as superior or "good sounding"? Is it coming from a physics perspective of cutting off certain tones in the frequency by detuning? I'm just generally curious about this perspective and setting from other synthesizer/producer enthusiasts. Thanks!

submitted by /u/crabmanster
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