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IKEA stand for synths, part 1.

IKEA stand for synths, part 1.

Hey everyone!
This is a stand I made for my Model:Samples with IKEA parts. Of course it will fit any other similar size synth. Plus you can change the handles with longer or different ones to fit your synth or style.

Anyway. What you will need:
- 2 RAMSHULT brackets
- 2 BORGHAMN handles at 170mm (they are sold as a pair and include the screws you will need).
- 1 Phillips screwdriver.
- 5 minutes to put the whole thing together

You can use either side of the stand, each side provides different angles. It's very sturdy and heavy enough to not move around when the drum pads are used.

Hope you find it useful! Cheers!

*Got the idea from a YouTube video called "Elektron / TR-8 TR-8S Stand - Ikea Hack", you may want to check it out Smile.





submitted by /u/mickeydreamkey
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