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Synth pedalboard questions

Hey synth redditors, guitarist here who is getting into synths. A few questions about a live synth rig I am building....

1) I have a few pedals I am running my synth out of, however it only plays in one side of headphones. I’m planning on buying a DI box as I heard these improve the signal by reducing the synth from line level to instrument level, but what adapter/options do I have for getting the post pedalboard sound out of both L and R speakers?

2) also my bands rig consists of a Juno DS and a Microkorg, is there anyway I can run both synths into the pedalboard without using a mixer? Like an A/B switch or unit that would allow both synths to run sound through FX pedals independently or together?

Hopefully some of you live synth heros can help me with this, we really wanna get our live synth sound juiced up and cool sounding but don’t have the technical knowledge to do so! All other bands in my area are guitar bands or use a simple synth setup. Thx!

submitted by /u/MrkYosef12
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