Vortex Sound Research

Full Version: Second MI Stages or Batumi
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Second MI Stages or Batumi

Hey everyone,

as I'll be probably expanding my current setup (7U Intellijel Case + 3U Make Noise Skiff) with another Intllijel 7U Case, I'll have another row of 3U to fill. There are two modules I like so much I want to get a second one of, one being Pams and the other being MI Stages. I love the versatility of Stages, but is there anything that should convince me of getting a Batumi over Stages? I won't be adding any more voices except Mangrove, so I'll mostly fill it with more modulation and sound processing options.

This is my current setup:
7U Case: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/1248663
3U Control Skiff: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/1238666

This is what I'm planning to add: https://www.modulargrid.net/e/racks/view/1517135

submitted by /u/itscursedphil
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