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5 Years of Synth Work

Hopefully this doesn't count as self-promo, just extremely proud of where I'm going:

Basically, back when I was thirteen I heard Neon Indian and I was instantly hooked on the idea of making music with synths. Bought a microbrute, an alesis sr16, and my mom dug up an old roland keyboard she had given to a relative. After about a summer of practice I put together this song: https://soundcloud.com/thursdayafternoon/ghost. I posted it here and was honestly blown away with the engagement. After posting that song I lost a bit of interest and started moving on to some different stuff. Eventually, with the covid stuff I had way too much free time so I picked up an SP404SX, learned ableton, and started making music again. I got really into noise and ambient music, shoegaze, electronic, underground stuff and basically started coalescing all that into my own stuff. Here's my latest song with a long name and I feel like it is a really good representation of where I've come from the sort of hazy stuff I was making when I was thirteen: https://soundcloud.com/thursdayafternoon/i-hate-what-happened-to-us-all-but-i-can-still-dance-by-myself-sometimes

For those interested, I used the same keyboard from back when I was thirteen (an Alpha Juno 1) and the Microbrute as well. The new gear includes a guitar, my SP404SX, a couple pedals, and Ableton.

submitted by /u/delk34
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