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Full Version: DSI Mono Evolver vs. Korg MS-20 Mini
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DSI Mono Evolver vs. Korg MS-20 Mini

I recently picked up a Dave Smith MEK for $440 at a pawn shop. It works brilliantly and is in great shape. $440 is more money than I intended to spend this month but when you see a minty DSI synth under $500, you buy. Was unfamiliar with the synth but now understand its complexity/reputation. Still have barely scratched the surface and never owned a synth with more than 2 oscillators.

I have an MS-20 Mini that I've enjoyed, really gotten a lot of use out of it. I have never taken the time to properly learn the patch bays so I know there are capabilities I haven't unlocked yet. Was considering selling it to justify the MEK.

Is the DSI MEK a capable replacement for an MS-20? How much am I missing out on with my under-utilized patch bay? What can the MS-20 do that the MEK can't? Any opinions on either synth would be lovely.

DSI MEK (wiki))

KORG MS-20 (wiki)

submitted by /u/BlessedBeaver
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