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Synth Noise, Specifically for Sub Bass

Wondering what peoples' experiences are in dealing with analog synth noise. I've been moving my production over to a more analog setup, and have been experimenting using my analog setup for sub bass, but there's always that little bit of noise there. Something like a sub, I feel, should be very "clean" sounding, and although the power of analog sub seems to be much bigger, i'm afraid the noise of it will get distracting in the club, as opposed to using let's say a Serum sine wave for sub, which is a bit colder, but no hiss. I will experiment on my own in my next shows comparing them, just wondering what people are doing to help deal with this, if at all. I get the charm of analog is the "grit" and it works well for top synths, but I know many producers are almost "fully" analog (besides the daw they eventually record everything to), and would love some tips/advice/discussion on this topic. The analog parts always hit the crowd the best, in my experience, and would love to see what it does to their experience on a "subsonic" level! Thanks!

submitted by /u/oceanzbeats
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