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Sound studio 3 or Matriarch?

Hey all!

Trying to decide what would better suit my setup. I currently have a MicroFreak and a TR-8S, and a volca sample that I don’t use since getting the TR-8S (though maybe I should be ?).

I’m interested in getting either a Moog sound studio 3 or a matriarch. I know it’s a personal choice but was curious of everyone’s thoughts.

Don’t know if having a DFAM and a TR-8S would be redundant. I don’t think it would be as more percussion is always helpful, but on the other hand thinking the polyphony and built in delay on the matriarch would be nice for further soundscape development.

I enjoy noodling around discovering new sounds and the modular capabilities of both are intriguing to me. I think the sound studio is appealing to me cause it seems there’s endless possibilities.. but the matriarch seems that way as well.

The keybed seems nice with the Matriarch, but I typically use the hold function on my MF and tweak the sound of the same arpeggio/sequence/pad overtime as opposed to playing specific melodies.. which is why I’ve been leaning more toward the sound studio..

I like to make dub techno and downtempo stuff like BoC and the like. Original, I know ?.

Appreciate your input!

submitted by /u/alextfoley
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