Vortex Sound Research

Full Version: Anyone tried the SQ80/ESQ-1 cartridges on eBay?
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Anyone tried the SQ80/ESQ-1 cartridges on eBay?

So, anyone who cares about these awesome old synths has probably seen the aftermarket cartridges going for $100 on eBay that add like 1200 patches via physical switch.

My SQ80 already has a cartridge, but it's just a regular old Ensoniq one. I have been thinking about trying to consolidate the patches that actually get used regularly and using the cartridge to store alternates and user-modified patches.

I can’t imagine that having 1,200 slots would ever actually be useful in a real-world writing or performing session, I’m more interested in whether it actually works, and whether it’s worth cycling through the included presets (I.e., are they any good?)

submitted by /u/SkyhouseStudio
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