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Help me tackle hardware in Arduino CV generator

Hi. I want to make a maybe 4 output Arduino clock/LFO/envelope thing with 3 inputs for sync (gate, clock divider and signal, signal is for s&h or adding an external CV read.

I've done successfully by 1 out by using 9v battery and vactrol or optocoupler. But it seems using dac is more effective and easier to replicate. Plus I wonder wether it's best to use ext ADC or voltage divide signals to Arduino analog inputs.

I checked online and it seems many DACs out there are mp3 decoders. Can they also generate signals on demand the same way analogWrite works? Wich ones are good for 5v Arduino to 12v eurorack?

I'd also like to keep soldering at a bare minimum. Know any break out/ shield board with jacks and/or DACs?

Thank in advance. Pitch accurate CV is not needed btw.

submitted by /u/PiezoelectricityOne
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