Vortex Sound Research

Full Version: do y'all ever have OCD when it comes to knobs ?
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do y'all ever have OCD when it comes to knobs ?

i've struggled with OCD for a few years now and recently since i've gotten into making music with actual hardware instead of just in a DAW, i noticed that if one knob feels slightly looser than the rest, or if it wiggles just slightly, it REALLY triggers my OCD, and i can't stop twisting the knob until i convince myself in my head that it's fine, and it performs the same as the other knob. It really bothers me because i feel like i can't use the hardware properly because of constantly getting distracted from a knob that feels slightly different from the rest, and it makes me worry that it's gonna get worse overtime until it's eventually unusable, even though there's probably NOTHING wrong with it anyway.

I guess im just posting this to see if anyone else in here struggles with this the same way i do.

submitted by /u/1dgtlkey
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