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Full Version: [question] Why is only the -12V light turning on in my uZeus?
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[question] Why is only the -12V light turning on in my uZeus?

Hi! I am new to the modular world and just got the uZeus+Plaits combination. However, when plugging the uZeus to a 13V 2A power supply only the -12v light turned on. The manual says all three lights should turn on, so I turned everything off, disconnected Plaits from uZeus and started trying to understand what is happening. Does the -12v light by itself mean something obvious that I am not seeing? Also, if uZeus is not connected to any module should all three lights still turn on? I am afraid to keep it connected to Plaits and end up frying the module. The red stripes were all aligned and just as I received them, never disconnected from the modules, but I'm still afraid I messed up somewhere. Thanks a lot for the attention!

submitted by /u/aeda_modular
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