Vortex Sound Research

Full Version: Trying to figure out some creamy, moving pads ala West Mineral/Chain Reaction/Etc
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Trying to figure out some creamy, moving pads ala West Mineral/Chain Reaction/Etc

You know that sound (and if you dont check the videos below). Those pads that are infinite and flowing like an underwater stream below the track. I have a roland sh-01a that I run through an Elektron Octatrack for gear, so Im trying to figure how to to get that source sound with the Sh-01a (and run it through my filters and plate verb if need be)

Any clue how to get pad sounds like the ones below? Super creamy and flowing and pure. Bonus points if you run an sh-01a and are familiar with that specific synth.



submitted by /u/hotandcoolgoth
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