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Full Version: Input wanted: MIDI grooveboxes/ sequencers for jamming
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Input wanted: MIDI grooveboxes/ sequencers for jamming

I have a small number of synths and I’m looking for some kind of sequencer or groovebox to facilitate jamming and improvisation.

I’m aware of many options, but without being able to sit and try things out for a few days I just don’t know if any particular device’s workflow will work for me.

I am capable enough writing music on a DAW, and I know I can always fall back on that. But I want to break free from the computer.

I have a keystep pro and while it’s fine for what it is, I find I get stuck within its structures by default. I will write 64 steps of music and no more. I also find it difficult to edit on the fly and easily lose where I am when I can only see 16 steps of one track at a time.

Most of the alternatives I’ve looked into seem to be primarily sample based, with midi control as a secondary concern. I am most tempted by the polyend tracker, as I am familiar enough with trackers from my teenage days. But I’m not convinced by the lack of easy polyphony.

So I’d like to know. What works for all of you?

submitted by /u/rose_lingon
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