Vortex Sound Research

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High quality drum machine with no screen/menu diving?

As I’ve mentioned and a couple other posts, I am legally blind and cannot easily utilize gear that requires using menus on a screen. I bought the Novation Circuit when it came out because it doesn’t have a screen and I can actually see those insanely bright LED pads pretty well, but the sound quality and features do leave something to be desired. Is there anything that is totally tactile/hands-on but would get me in to more professional territory? Hoping for something with some sequencing capabilities and stereo samples. I’ve already got analog drums covered with my MFB 522 so I’m not thinking about the DrumBrute or anything like that right now. I’ve considered the TR8/TR8-S but got the impression from listening to demos that there is some menu diving involved. Thanks for any ideas.

submitted by /u/No-Satisfaction7842
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