Vortex Sound Research

Full Version: I just got a 0-Coast, I have some questions, I think mine may have defects.
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I just got a 0-Coast, I have some questions, I think mine may have defects.

Hey everyone! I just received my brand new 0-coast! I’m super excited, as it’s my first hardware synth. I’ve been playing with it for about hours, and noticed that no matter what position any of the knobs are in, if no cables are plugged in, no sound is created. There’s a very, very quiet, very high pitched tone that does seem to change with the knobs. I was under the impression that even with no patch cables, you still should still be able to hear a sound.

Everything else that I’ve tried so far works as expected. Should I contact Make Noise, or am I just not using it right?


submitted by /u/kulalolk
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