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Waldorf Iridium versus... pretty much the world? A workflow quandary

Been debating picking up the Iridium for a very, very long time.

I've always been into physical controls - started off on a piano, picked up hardware synths during the pandemic, and the rest has been history. I don't like staring at screens. Knobs feel good.

This got a lot more complex after I was gifted Ableton Live recently. I've finished more tracks in a month on Ableton than I have the whole time I've been making music with a pencil and sheet music.

Not sure what direction to take this. On one hand, I come up with a ton of ideas and absolutely feel the flow state when I'm jamming on hardware and traditional instruments. On the other hand, I actually manage to finish things when I go the DAW route. It's a very different feel. Very methodical. Very procedural.

I've been staring at the Iridium in my check out basket, and it's a weird thought that it's literally the same as being able to get every plug-in tool I've been wanting to enhance my workflow - Serum, Omnisphere, Phase Plant, pretty much every FabFilter plug-in I need, and maybe even have enough left over for a Faderfox controller or a Launchpad Mk 3. Super hard to justify. But not quite the same.

Would love to hear thoughts from folks who have been here and can relate, I'm pretty stumped. Debated between posting this in here or in music makers, so I guess the fact that it's here is a bit of a spoiler on what side I'm hoping the coin comes down on... honestly want to hear thoughts from both sides though.

submitted by /u/Qiao212
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