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Full Version: Help polychaining crave/neutron/k2/etc
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Help polychaining crave/neutron/k2/etc

I have a few of the Behringer clones that are supposed to be polychain-able. When I chain them right now I have them going Crave --> Neutron --> K2. I am able to get them to work in Unison mode, but any other mode in Synthtribe besides Disabled or Unison modes and midi is not being detected past the Crave. I've got the midi channels all set the same, and since they work in Unison (which sounds super thick and cool) I'm also guessing it's not a midi settings problem. Moreover, in polychain mode the second/third keypresses are bypassing the Crave - they just aren't being detected by the Neutron/K2 any longer.

Is there something in the Neutron and K2 software that I also have to have turned on? Or should I just be able to do it via the Synthtribe app in the crave alone? I have watched several videos on this and read several reddit threads indicating it should be simple, but I haven't found anything that explains polychaining between multiple of these synths when they are not exactly the same (e.g. I've seen people polychain 4 boog's, but never a combination of the clones). If anyone has either an easy explanation or a quick youtube vid I could watch I would appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/chusmeria
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