Vortex Sound Research

Full Version: Sound sources with vs without builtin attenuator (or am I thinking about this wrong)
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Sound sources with vs without builtin attenuator (or am I thinking about this wrong)

Planning my first system. I want lots of voices and complex haromony, and I think I’d rather spend my complexity on things that can create rhythm and haromony vs things that shape sound.

I think I’ve learned that the standard way of making sound is VCO -> VCA -> filter with envelope. So the VCO gets a CV for pitch and the VCA gets a trigger for rhythm.

Option 2 seems to be things like plaits and pico voice with at least the VCA built in, if not also some amount of shaping with CV control.

Option 3 I guess is like Expert Sleepers Disting Ex where you say screw it and play samples.

So, as a beginner, why would I want to pick option 1 over option 2? Would I be missing out on a lot of options for controlling tone if I restricted myself to options 2 and 3?

Side question: are there some favorite modules in the category of “batteries included sound sources”? Etherial and spoopy is a plus.

submitted by /u/joyofresh
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