Vortex Sound Research

Full Version: I can see why they call it EuroCrack
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I can see why they call it EuroCrack

Started with a RackBrute and the Erica Synths EDU series. I thought I’d take it slow, build a module each month as they’re released..

Instead I’m already buying other DIY modules and pre-built stuff. As I use it, I’m thinking ‘I need an attenuater, I need an LFO, I’d like a quantiser, I need something else to sequence with…’

And then in addition, as I look at modules I’m playing the ‘maximum utility for minimum HP’ game. X looks nice, but Y has more features and is 2 HP smaller.. but it’s also another £100!

Of course I think this will slow to a stop but it’s surprised me how instantly I want to spend spend spend and throw things into the case.

How successful has everyone here been at resisting temptation? Or did you just give in…?

submitted by /u/Stringsandattractors
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