Vortex Sound Research

Full Version: Whats the best way to use your guitar as a synthesizer controller?
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Whats the best way to use your guitar as a synthesizer controller?

I have a Telecaster with a B and G bender on it, which I'd like to use with a synthesizer. I know of the Roland G 700 Analog Synthesizer, which I know you can buy the synth and a 13 pin pickup to track the notes. But the latency on that makes it one of the slowest synths of all time. BOSS made a synth guitar but it sounds too cheap in my opinion. The Roland GR 300 is another good one, but it just doesn't sound as warm an analog as the 700. Anyone know of any other synth that would work with a pickup system? I would like to keep my Telecaster.

submitted by /u/Flashy-Pomegranate77
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