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Full Version: First forays into CV/Gate - "translator gear"?
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First forays into CV/Gate - "translator gear"?

I would like to clock my new Behringer Odyssey with CV/Gate. I've read that I can use that to force the LFO (among other things) to clock sync. (Please correct me if I'm wrong - the Odyssey is a vast, barely explored wonderland thus far and Behringer's documentation just explains the absolute basics)

Now, I don't have a modular rig to serve as master clock, but I do have a Keystep and a Microfreak, which do have CV/Gate outs. Can I do the following:

Have the Keystep receive clock from Ableton over USB Midi and send that clock into the Odyssey? If so, what do I need to patch where? (Probably some connection between the KS's CV out and Odyssey's respective input) Do I need to use both CV and Gate lines and if so, why?

If that's too much to explain in a reddit post, feel free to direct me to some kind of tutorial - written if at all possible because video do precious little for a blind guy - so I can learn.

Thanks for listening!

submitted by /u/BFBeast666
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