Vortex Sound Research

Full Version: Looking for a module: Makes noise textures to go along with drums
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Looking for a module: Makes noise textures to go along with drums

I remember looking at a eurorack module a while back, it was maybe 4-10hp dark panel I think, and it makes noise artifact kind of textures that could be used along with drums. It sounded like it was good for adding a little something else to drum/percussive loops. It created the sounds. Not sure if it had a line in, but don't think it needed one. I just can't remember what it was called or what company made it. Does this sound familiar at all?

EDIT: I don't think it was one of these, but this is kind of in the same area.WMD ChimeraHexinverter VCNO

UPDATE FOUND: I went through my entire YouTube history, not recommended it takes forever, but found the module. It appears it was WMD Fracture. I could have sworn it was something else, but this was it. However, the modules everyone here suggested I like better so this post was a win. Thanks everyone, I now have some rearranging in modulargrid to do.

submitted by /u/thecreep
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