Vortex Sound Research

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What’s some fun (and fairly cheap) hardware?

I have started making music again, and am thinking of looking into the rabbit hole of hardware. I don’t really have any experience when it comes to electronic hardware as I am mainly a guitarist and occasional songwriter. I do like to experiment with sounds and rhythms and look for something that I can play with - and hopefully learn a little more about synths and all that jazz.

I have looked at stuff from Teenage Engineering, Critter & Guitari and Korg VOLCA. Wide scope maybe, but I think it gives you an idea of what I’m looking for; Some kind of portable gadget with more or less limited functions, that I can play around with for inspiration and idéas, and possibly use as a starting point when writing songs.

Preferably I am looking for something that can be bought used for around 50 - 200 euros!

Do you have any tips on something fun that would fit a hardware virgin?

submitted by /u/nebulosan
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