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Full Version: Would it be redundant to use the Polyend Tracker and Play together?
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Would it be redundant to use the Polyend Tracker and Play together?

I've been using my Tracker for long enough to have learned it well enough to feel comfortable with it. But, when I first saw the Play, I thought it seemed like something I've always wanted in regards to the sequencer & the light up pads along with other features I prefer when creating music. It just seems like there's a lot of overlap between each one's features. The Play doesn't have a radio like the Tracker does, which is a feature I really like a lot. The Play unit I purchased should be arriving by Tuesday, and I can always return it if I want (within 30 days). But, I just really want to like it and hope it lives up to my expectations....which aren't more that what I've learned watching different videos about it, including Loopop & Ben Jordan's take on it, amongst other reviews. Any thoughts or ideas are appreciated, and, I'm not past selling the Tracker if the Play is really that much "better" or just keeping the Tracker & returning the Play.

hashtag - FirstWorldSynthProblems

submitted by /u/helpinky
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