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[Meta] Eh, what's going on with all these new synth people?

First off, I think this is a good thing!

There's been a real explosion in "what should my first synth" type requests, as well as a lot of people asking about VSTs as new users.

Honestly there's been much more of these requests than at any time that I can remember in the last 5 years, at least ....

So, why suddenly , at the end of lockdown, is this happening? Have people picked up new hobbies? Do people have money now they've gone back to work after picking up a new hobby? Is it because of all the (relatively) cheaper awesome synths now available?

Did someone spike the water supply with Vangelis years?

What's going on?

I've never been more optimistic for the future of synths.

submitted by /u/My13thYearlyAccount
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