Vortex Sound Research

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(PG-8X) need help with software glitch

For the PG-8X, in my DAW (FL Studio), it keeps moving around some patch/knob value on its own. It shows in the hint panel as if I'm moving something. It's basically automatically doing something where in my DAW it appears there is a constant feed of knob tweaks. It's getting in the way of my undo/redo buttons, also. I don't know if anyone has experienced this here or if this is the best spot to look for help, but it's pretty annoying. When observing the synth/patch, all the knobs/sliders are fine and not moving, so I can't pinpoint which specific thing is having a mind of its own, seemingly.

So, for example, I go to edit something in the piano roll and want to undo something. I can't. This glitch from said synth is kind of doing its own thing and messing with other things somehow. I can't tell if it's just the synth's fault or not, but I've never had this happen with stock plug-ins or other 3rd party ones. The sound is fine, actually, and I can edit the patch alright, but one other thing is at the end of my loop there's a problem with the cutoff or a similar control (because of this glitch, I guess, hopefully).

When the loop restarts, the first few notes at the beginning have in increased cutoff, or so it sounds. It's not because of my patch or automation, etc., I can't figure out how to adjust it to not do this (since it's likely just another thing this weird glitch is messing with somehow).

Other than that, the sound is great. I'm trying to make a new track, but this is frustrating. If you have any idea what's going on, thanks for your time.

submitted by /u/DoorHalfwayShut
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