Vortex Sound Research

Full Version: Which Audio Interface to buy for my semi-modular setup?
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Which Audio Interface to buy for my semi-modular setup?

Hello everyone, I am in the market looking for an audio interface for my semi-modular system and would love to hear your suggestions. I am looking for an entry level interface which will suit my needs. My setup includes Moog Studio 3 (Mother 32, DFAM and Subharmonicon) and Moog Grandmother. I would like to record them as separate tracks, so I have 4 channel input requirement. I also want a MIDI out from the interface to feed it into Mother 32 if I choose to use DAW as a sequencer. I was considering Evo 8 as it looks clean and simple, but it does not have MIDI in/out. So my current choice is Behringer U-Phoria UMC404HD. Thoughts? Any other suggestions?

submitted by /u/sureskumar
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