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A complex midi programming question?

My mpc can have up to 64 midi tracks

I’ve got a proteus 2000

How would you set these up in regards to saving a blank file with midi channel assignments on MPC’s floppy?

Prior to this I was using a Tx81z that could only have 8 patches max

So on mpc I would save a file with

my drum samples on the bottom 8 pads

And the top would be 8 different midi channels corresponding to 8 different synth patches that mix very well together.

Save blank sequence as “midi blank”

Save Tx81z program as 01

However, now that I can play 32 patches at once, how would you set this up?

Should all 32 instruments have a midi track?

Should these sounds all mix well together?

Should each of the MPCs pad pages A thru D be in this format?

8 drum sounds on bottom pads

8 midi tracks on top pads?

I’ve got 2000 patches and 128 voices to use, I’m fucking lost. On what to do with this “midi blank”file...

submitted by /u/newagehelper
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