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A “modular” Delay?

I’m stumped in my search for a delay module. There are plenty of great delays out there but I have found nothing that ticks my boxes for a modular style building block delay.

I have a short wish list: 1. Clock syncable 2. send/return for the delay signal path 3. vc over delay time and feedback 4. small and cheap

There is some great stuff out there, don’t get me wrong, but it all seems to do the routing I want to do in the module, or it gets expensive fast. The chronoblob 2 was the closest thing I found to getting 2 Chanel’s of what I want but still not quite there (no send/ret in stereo mode, therefore $$$$).

Here’s my dream: a simple cheap mono delay with these features (get 2 to 4) and pair those with filters/distortion/etc on the sends into a matrix mixer, then do the returns back to each “return” from the matrix to get a modular delay network that can be patched and tweaked in true modular style.

Does anyone know of a delay module like this? Or am I SOL on the commercial module side of things and stuck going down the diy rabbit hole?

Any thoughts are much appreciated!

submitted by /u/bow_to_lord_spacecat
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