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Full Version: How much music theory do you know? (how much do you think you need to know?)
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How much music theory do you know? (how much do you think you need to know?)

I know this has been posted before, but I wanted to ask again and be a part of the discussion.

I know a fair amount of music theory. I studied it at the college level, have played jazz and orchestral pieces on violin/trombone/piano with various groups. Composed a significant amount of music on a variety of styles. Blah blah blah...

There was a point in my life where I thought that the more I would learn, the better I would get. Considering most music relies on very simple progressions and rudimentary theory - for the past decade or so, Ive been trying to unlearn everything. My solos are too complicated. My compositions are needlessly complex.

Has anyone had this experience? How much music theory should artists study? Any thoughts about how learning theory has impacted your playing or composing - good or bad?

submitted by /u/braintree56
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