Vortex Sound Research

Full Version: Disting Mk.4 Sample Behavior? Strangeness afoot.
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Disting Mk.4 Sample Behavior? Strangeness afoot.

I'm wondering if anyone here has experience troubleshooting some weird CV behavior in this module. When playing samples, the same voltage from appears to trigger different adjacent samples depending on which have been triggered recently (biased towards playing the most recent sample). For instance, If playing a kick on C4 and a snare on A4, each note may play either sample but tends to play the most recent one triggered. The part that I'm lost on is that the same voltage (primarily coming from a Beatstep Pro's Velocity out but the same happens with pitch out) results in different behavior. I love the random fun with modular but less so for sample playback.

A few more details if that helps follow - I have been using I3 primarily. I do not have any weird behaviors coming from adjacent modules which include Plaits and Temps Utile.

submitted by /u/mustyrats
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