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Looking for help with live performance mixing within a band

So I run tracks & play live modular for a R&B/Jazz/Hip-Hop group. I'm usually running a feed from either a keys player or guitarist and then manipulating it with Lubadh, Arbhar, Nautilus, & Desmodus. I also have a bunch of one-shots on a bitbox that I can either play with the keyboard, or play like a DJ firing off sirens, tags, etc. It's all hooked up with an ES-9 and the final output of the modular is running through ableton so I can EQ it and Compress it.

I've been playing in this configuration for a year and a half now, but I can never figure out how to get my modular heard!! i'm often riding the master volume on my cosmix to adjust as needed throughout the set, but i often find myself being way too quiet or way too loud. It can also be tough to find where the modular should sit EQ wise with the rest of the instruments, as often when we hit high points in the set, the modular just blends in with everything else and gets super muddy. The modular has such a high dynamic range, and it can go from 0-10 quickly, so harsh compression often distorts when i start to get loud.

Does anyone have tips/experience with this sort of problem?

Also sidenote, I'm running everything through an 84hp intellijel performance case and I have TERRIBLE noise issues. Any tips on cutting back on noise?

tldr: Modular can be either way too loud or way too soft. How do you control the dynamic range to make sure it's always heard over other instruments?

submitted by /u/zillaxillacilla
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