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I didn’t like the Prophet-5: am I crazy?

I don't want to start a fight or anything, I just want to share my experience and see if I'm completely crazy or not.

So basically a few weeks ago I had the opportunity to try out the new Prophet-5 rev4. It was actually the first time I'd seen a real Prophet up close, it's very cute and smaller than I thought it would be (a strange feeling I always get when I see instruments live for the first time - thanks, Internet!). But after playing around with it for a few minutes, I walked away completely disinterested.

Maybe it's because I've worked a lot with the Arturia software version in the past, so I'm very familiar with the workflow, but it was one of the most boring synth experiences I've had in my life. I ended up playing some of the famous presets, but I didn't feel anything more than when I recreated them with my go-to for poly, Pigments.

The P5 felt straightforward but super-predictable, never surprising, almost like using (and now you're allowed to shoot me) Logic's Retro Synth plug-in. Or an og Minilogue, to talk about hardware. Vanilla. It's aesthetically very good, but for me it's not really worth more than half a Prophet 6, especially now that they've added the vintage knob function to that.

By the way, I understand the value of hardware, I have a Matriarch and a Eurorack, I had a Minibrute, an Access Virus and a Moog LP... but they all make me feel something that the Prophet 5 really didn’t. The P6 I tried a few years ago did.

Is the Prophet-5 hype all about nostalgia? Maybe being the first one doesn't really mean being great forever. Maybe now it’s boring because the market caught up years ago.

Am I crazy? Is my under-30 age responsible for me finding the P6, or even better the Polybrute, immensely more interesting and valuable than the P5?

submitted by /u/ABellThatRings
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