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Waldorf Pulse 2 Thoughts

So, I bought my first analog. I purchased the Waldorf Pulse 2 at an amazing price. I'm very excited to get my hands on it and try it out, it sounds really fat, but capable of lots of other styles too. I think it's going to be a great tool for me. I have some thoughts I'd like to discuss, though. What exactly is it missing compared to the Blofeld in editing options? I understand the Blofeld is incredibly in-depth and is DSP and not Analog, but will I be missing much if I have the Pulse 2 paired with my softsynths? I really like Reason's Europa and usually use that as my main softsynth. Hybrid is also a VST I use as well, that I think can be great. I don't really understand wavetable synthesis, given I haven't looked into it much - but it looks neat. I think Hybrid is capable of some wavetable options. Anyways, I'm just wondering if I have my bases covered with my Mac and a Pulse 2 ? Either way I believe I made the right choice and the Waldorf will be a fantastic starting point for me in the hardware world. Incredible bang for buck! Thanks everyone, and I'd love to hear any thoughts on the Pulse 2 as well. I can't read enough about it since I ordered it. It's gonna be a difficult wait!

submitted by /u/doe127
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