Vortex Sound Research

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Looking for brand/product recommendation so I can research and decide what I'll buy

I'm quite new to the world of synthesis, still learning but I grasp some basics of it, but I'd like some guidance.

For reference, most production I've done was with software, daws and a midi controller, it covers everything I need since the music I like to make is quite more sample based at times, pop/hip hop but I also love to experiment with everything. But staring at the screen, dealing with latency, technical problems and the fact that it is not too much intuitive, I feel like it bores a lot, and also because some synthesis can only be achieved with some master skill.

Cutting to the chase. I'm researching something that can provide an wide range of possibilities at the best possible budget, but also not overwhelm at the same time, I'm looking for an sampler or something for drums, only reference I have is the PO-32/PO-33 and Volca Sample, I'd love to experiment with beats, something that can make sounds tweak, get some nice pattern and built FX if possible, I liked T.E's design and portability but I feel like the Volca Sample can do some really nice stuff as well, but aside from the Volcas and T.E, I do know much about other that fit the criteria except being Digitakt which unfortunately is really expensive at my country.

I'm nearly sold on TE's PO-20 at least, because it feels like it really shines for the vibe I want to create, also have my eyes on the microkorg but I feel like I could get overwhelmed by it.

Anyways if anyone can point me to my little research, I'd be thankful.


submitted by /u/plastic_senses
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